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Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research.

Previously Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies ~ JILAS


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JILAR has been the academic journal of the Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia (AILASA) since 1995. Its focus is the publication of high-quality research in Iberian and Latin American Studies by academics from around the world, as well as those based in Australasia.

The journal is internationally refereed, edited by an editorial committee based in Sydney and is genuinely inter-disciplinary, covering such fields as history, politics, international relations, sociology, literature, development studies, linguistics, cultural studies and popular culture. JILAR publishes contributions in Spanish, Portuguese and English.


At JILAR we seek to create space for issues and debates, as well as individual articles. Past numbers have included special issues on Mexican Secret Police Archives, Latin America and the Shifting Sands of Global Power, Latin America and Transnational Solidarities, Politics of Identity in Latin American Censuses and Centre-Periphery Relations in Iberian and Latin American Cultural Studies. Each issue also includes a book review section for important new scholarly works relating to the Luso-Hispanic world and the Caribbean.

JILAR is abstracted and indexed with EBSCOhost, Humanities International Complete, MLA International Bibliography, TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 1/1/2010, Elsevier BV, Scopus, 2010-, Gale and ProQuest.

For more information on JILAR, its publisher (Taylor and Francis), or to submit manuscripts for consideration, please visit the JILAR webpage:


Guide for Contributors to the Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research (JILAR)

Submitting your work for publication

We accept original articles in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. We do not accept material that has been previously published, in whole or in part. Citations from the author’s previously published works should be referenced according to reference guidelines below.


Authors undertake to present properly referenced materials, in accordance with this style guide. They will be consistent in their use of language, styles and references. Avoid the use of the first person pronoun unless you actually had something to do with the events under consideration. The work will be written in a non-gender exclusive style – his/her not his when the subject is not known. The work shall contain no defamatory articles or material that violates any law. Copyright obligations are the sole responsibility of the author.


Page format
Submit articles in Word (for Macintosh or PC), with 2.54 cm. margins (top, bottom, left and right). Use Times New Roman font, pt. 12. Use double space throughout, including footnotes and inset paragraphs. Use Endnotes. There is no need to include a bibliography.

Word limit
Minimum of 6,000 and maximum of 8,000 words.


Abstracts should not exceed 150 words. Please provide a translation in English when the abstract is written in Spanish or Portuguese. Note that an abstract is not a substitute for an introductory paragraph to the article. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a means of making your article more visible to anyone who might be looking for it. Please consult our guidance here.


You may find and download our full style guide here:

Guide for Contributors to the Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research


To submit an article, authors need to follow the

JILAR Style Guide

We publish in three major languages, Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Manuscripts may be submitted in any of these languages.


Please submit your article directly in our online website:


For all editorial queries please write to the managing editors of JILAR:


A/Prof Estela Valverde

Dr Vek Lewis

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